ARMS  3.1.1
Documentation for ARMS movement library
Main Page
Behold, the power of ARMS!

Getting Started

Installing ARMS

  1. Download the most recent template
  2. Add ARMS to your local templates from the terminal with the command pros c fetch
  3. cd into your PROS project directory from your terminal
  4. Apply the library to your project using pros c apply ARMS
  5. Put #include "ARMS/api.h" in your main.h
  6. Put #include "ARMS/config.h" in your main.cpp
  7. Call arms::init() in your initialize() function

Using ARMS

Before using ARMS, you will have to set up your robot's configuration in the config.h file. More information about setting up/tuning ARMS can be found in our Tuning Guide.

After setting up ARMS, you can use the methods in the arms::chassis namespace to control your chassis, the methods in arms::odom to access odometry information, and arms::selector::auton to get the currently selected autonomous.

How ARMS Works

While you do not need to know how ARMS works in order to use it, knowing how ARMS works can help with debugging weird issues with ARMS, modyfing the ARMS source code yourself, or writing your own drivetrain movement libraries. For information on the ARMS implementation of odometry, see the Odometry Explanation. For information on how arms::chassis::turn and arms::chassis::move work, see Motion Control Explanation.