Vision Sensor C API module


file vision.h


namespace pros
LLEMU Conditional Include
namespace pros::c


struct vision_signature_s_t
struct vision_object_s_t


int32_t vision_clear_led(uint8_t port)
Clears the vision sensor LED color, reseting it back to its default behavior, displaying the most prominent object signature color.
vision_signature_s_t vision_signature_from_utility(const int32_t id, const int32_t u_min, const int32_t u_max, const int32_t u_mean, const int32_t v_min, const int32_t v_max, const int32_t v_mean, const float range, const int32_t type)
Creates a signature from the vision sensor utility.
vision_color_code_t vision_create_color_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t sig_id1, const uint32_t sig_id2, const uint32_t sig_id3, const uint32_t sig_id4, const uint32_t sig_id5)
Creates a color code that represents a combination of the given signature IDs.
vision_object_s_t vision_get_by_size(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id)
Gets the nth largest object according to size_id.
vision_object_s_t vision_get_by_sig(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t sig_id)
Gets the nth largest object of the given signature according to size_id.
vision_object_s_t vision_get_by_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const vision_color_code_t color_code)
Gets the nth largest object of the given color code according to size_id.
int32_t vision_get_exposure(uint8_t port)
Gets the exposure parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_get_object_count(uint8_t port)
Gets the number of objects currently detected by the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_get_white_balance(uint8_t port)
Get the white balance parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_print_signature(const vision_signature_s_t sig)
Prints the contents of the signature as an initializer list to the terminal.
int32_t vision_read_by_size(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t object_count, vision_object_s_t*const object_arr)
Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
int32_t vision_read_by_sig(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const uint32_t sig_id, const uint32_t object_count, vision_object_s_t*const object_arr)
Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
int32_t vision_read_by_code(uint8_t port, const uint32_t size_id, const vision_color_code_t color_code, const uint32_t object_count, vision_object_s_t*const object_arr)
Reads up to object_count object descriptors into object_arr.
vision_signature_s_t vision_get_signature(uint8_t port, const uint8_t signature_id)
Gets the object detection signature with the given id number.
int32_t vision_set_signature(uint8_t port, const uint8_t signature_id, vision_signature_s_t*const signature_ptr)
Stores the supplied object detection signature onto the vision sensor.
int32_t vision_set_auto_white_balance(uint8_t port, const uint8_t enable)
Enables/disables auto white-balancing on the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_set_exposure(uint8_t port, const uint8_t exposure)
Sets the exposure parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_set_led(uint8_t port, const int32_t rgb)
Sets the vision sensor LED color, overriding the automatic behavior.
int32_t vision_set_white_balance(uint8_t port, const int32_t rgb)
Sets the white balance parameter of the Vision Sensor.
int32_t vision_set_zero_point(uint8_t port, vision_zero_e_t zero_point)
Sets the (0,0) coordinate for the Field of View.
int32_t vision_set_wifi_mode(uint8_t port, const uint8_t enable)
Sets the Wi-Fi mode of the Vision sensor.


Parameters given by VEX

The width of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.
The width of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.
The height of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.


enum vision_zero { E_VISION_ZERO_TOPLEFT = 0, E_VISION_ZERO_CENTER = 1 }


using vision_color_code_t = uint16_t



Enum documentation

enum vision_zero

This enumeration defines different zero points for returned vision objects.


(0,0) coordinate is the top left of the FOV


(0,0) coordinate is the center of the FOV

Typedef documentation

typedef uint16_t vision_color_code_t

Color codes are just signatures with multiple IDs and a different type.

Variable documentation

Define documentation


The width of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.


The width of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.


The height of the Vision Sensor’s field of view.