Motors C++ API module


file motor_group.hpp


MotorGroup(const std::initializer_list<std::int8_t>, const pros::v5::MotorGears gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::invalid, const pros::v5::MotorUnits encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid)
Constructs a new MotorGroup object.
MotorGroup(const std::vector<std::int8_t>& ports, const pros::v5::MotorGears gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::invalid, const pros::v5::MotorUnits encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid)
Constructs a new MotorGroup object.
MotorGroup(AbstractMotor& motor_group)
Constructs a new MotorGroup object from an abstract motor.

Motor movement functions

These functions allow programmers to make motors move

std::int32_t move(std::int32_t voltage) const virtual
Sets the voltage for the motor group from -127 to 127.
std::int32_t move_absolute(const double position, const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual
Sets the target absolute position for the motor group to move to.
std::int32_t move_relative(const double position, const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual
Sets the relative target position for the motor group to move to.
std::int32_t move_velocity(const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual
Sets the velocity for the motor group.
std::int32_t move_voltage(const std::int32_t voltage) const virtual
Sets the output voltage for the motor group from -12000 to 12000 in millivolts.
std::int32_t brake(void) const virtual
Stops the motor group using the currently configured brake mode.
std::int32_t modify_profiled_velocity(const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual
Changes the output velocity for a profiled movement (move_absolute or move_relative).
double get_target_position(const std::uint8_t index) const virtual
Gets the target position set for a motor in the motor group, with a parameter for the motor index.
std::vector<double> get_target_position_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the the target positions set for the motor group.
std::int32_t get_target_velocity(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the velocity commanded to the motor by the user at the index specified.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_target_velocity_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the velocity commanded to the motor by the user.

Motor telemetry functions

These functions allow programmers to collect telemetry from motors

double get_actual_velocity(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the actual velocity of a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<double> get_actual_velocity_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the the actual velocity of each motor the motor group.
std::int32_t get_current_draw(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the current drawn by a motor in the motor group in mA.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_current_draw_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the current drawn each motor in the motor group in mA.
std::int32_t get_direction(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the direction of movement for a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_direction_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the directions of movement for each motor in the motor group.
double get_efficiency(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the efficiency of a motor in the motor group in percent.
std::vector<double> get_efficiency_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the efficiency of each motor in percent.
std::uint32_t get_faults(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the faults experienced by a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_faults_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the faults experienced by each motor in the motor group.
std::uint32_t get_flags(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the flags set by a motor in the motor group's operation.
std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_flags_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the flags set by each motor in the motor groups's operation.
double get_position(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the absolute position of a motor in the motor group in its encoder units.
std::vector<double> get_position_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the absolute position of each motor in its encoder units.
double get_power(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the power drawn by a motor in the motor group in Watts.
std::vector<double> get_power_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the power drawn by each motor in the motor group in Watts.
std::int32_t get_raw_position(std::uint32_t*const timestamp, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the raw encoder count of a motor in the motor group at a given timestamp.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_raw_position_all(std::uint32_t*const timestamp) const virtual
Gets the raw encoder count of each motor at a given timestamp.
double get_temperature(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the temperature of a motor in the motor group in degrees Celsius.
std::vector<double> get_temperature_all(void) const virtual
Gets the temperature of each motor in the motor group in degrees Celsius.
double get_torque(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the torque generated by a motor in the motor groupin Newton Meters (Nm).
std::vector<double> get_torque_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the torque generated by each motor in Newton Meters (Nm).
std::int32_t get_voltage(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the voltage delivered to a motor in the motor group in millivolts.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_voltage_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the voltage delivered to each motor in millivolts.
std::int32_t is_over_current(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Checks if a motor in the motor group is drawing over its current limit.
std::vector<std::int32_t> is_over_current_all(void) const virtual
Checks if each motor in the motor group is drawing over its current limit.
std::int32_t is_over_temp(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the temperature limit flag for a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<std::int32_t> is_over_temp_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector with the temperature limit flag for each motor in the motor group.

Motor configuration functions

These functions allow programmers to configure the behavior of motors

MotorBrake get_brake_mode(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the brake mode that was set for a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<MotorBrake> get_brake_mode_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector with the brake mode that was set for each motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t get_current_limit(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the current limit for a motor in the motor group in mA.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_current_limit_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the current limit for each motor in the motor group in mA.
MotorUnits get_encoder_units(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the encoder units that were set for a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<MotorUnits> get_encoder_units_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the encoder units that were set for each motor in the motor group.
MotorGears get_gearing(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the gearset that was set for a motor in the motor group.
std::vector<MotorGears> get_gearing_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the gearset that was set for each motor.
std::vector<std::int8_t> get_port_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector with all the port numbers in the motor group.
std::int32_t get_voltage_limit(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the voltage limit of a motor in the motor group set by the user.
std::vector<std::int32_t> get_voltage_limit_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the voltage limit of each motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t is_reversed(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the operation direction of a motor in the motor group as set by the user.
std::vector<std::int32_t> is_reversed_all(void) const virtual
Gets a vector of the operation direction of each motor in the motor group as set by the user.
std::int32_t set_brake_mode(const MotorBrake mode, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_brake_mode(const pros::motor_brake_mode_e_t mode, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_brake_mode_all(const MotorBrake mode) const virtual
Sets one of MotorBrake all the motors in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_brake_mode_all(const pros::motor_brake_mode_e_t mode) const virtual
Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_current_limit(const std::int32_t limit, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets the current limit for one motor in the motor group in mA.
std::int32_t set_current_limit_all(const std::int32_t limit) const virtual
Sets the current limit for every motor in the motor group in mA.
std::int32_t set_encoder_units(const MotorUnits units, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of MotorUnits for one motor in the motor group's motor encoder.
std::int32_t set_encoder_units(const pros::motor_encoder_units_e_t units, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of MotorUnits for one motor in the motor group's motor encoder.
std::int32_t set_encoder_units_all(const MotorUnits units) const virtual
Sets one of MotorUnits for every motor in the motor group's motor encoder.
std::int32_t set_encoder_units_all(const pros::motor_encoder_units_e_t units) const virtual
Sets one of MotorUnits for every motor in the motor group's motor encoder.
std::int32_t set_gearing(std::vector<pros::motor_gearset_e_t> gearsets) const
Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_gearing(const pros::motor_gearset_e_t gearset, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_gearing(std::vector<MotorGears> gearsets) const
Sets the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for each motor in the motor group by taking in a vector of the cartridges.
std::int32_t set_gearing(const MotorGears gearset, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_gearing_all(const MotorGears gearset) const virtual
Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_gearing_all(const pros::motor_gearset_e_t gearset) const virtual
Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for every motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_reversed(const bool reverse, const std::uint8_t index = 0) virtual
sets the reversal for a motor in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_reversed_all(const bool reverse) virtual
Sets the reversal for all the motors in the motor group.
std::int32_t set_voltage_limit(const std::int32_t limit, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets the voltage limit for a motor in the motor group in millivolts.
std::int32_t set_voltage_limit_all(const std::int32_t limit) const virtual
Sets the voltage limit for every motor in the motor group in millivolts.
std::int32_t set_zero_position(const double position, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets the position for a motor in the motor group in its encoder units.
std::int32_t set_zero_position_all(const double position) const virtual
Sets the position for every motor in the motor group in its encoder units.
std::int32_t tare_position(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Sets the "absolute" zero position of a motor in the motor group to its current position.
std::int32_t tare_position_all(void) const virtual
Sets the "absolute" zero position of every motor in the motor group to its current position.
std::int8_t size(void) const virtual
Returns the number of motors in the motor group.
std::int8_t get_port(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual
Gets the port of a motor in the motor group via index.
void operator+=(AbstractMotor&)
Appends all the motors in the other motor group reference to this motor group.
void append(AbstractMotor&)
Appends all the motors in the other motor group reference to this motor group.
void erase_port(std::int8_t port)
Removes the all motors on the port (regardless of reversal) from the motor group.


std::vector<std::int8_t> _ports
The ordered vector of ports used by the motor group.
pros::Mutex _MotorGroup_mutex

Function documentation

MotorGroup(const std::initializer_list<std::int8_t>, const pros::v5::MotorGears gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::invalid, const pros::v5::MotorUnits encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid)

Constructs a new MotorGroup object.

gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::invalid Optional parameter for the gearset for the motor. Does not explicitly set the motor gearset if it is invalid or not specified
encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid Optional parameter for the encoder units of the motor Does not explicitly set the motor units if it is invalid or not specified

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|. ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor


void opcontrol() {
    MotorGroup first_mg({1, -2}); //Creates a motor on port 1  and a reversed motor on port 2
 MotorGroup rotations_mg({4, 5}, pros::v5::MotorGears::blue, pros::v5::MotorUnits::rotations);
 //Creates a motor group on ports 4 and 5 with blue motors using rotaions as the encoder units

MotorGroup(const std::vector<std::int8_t>& ports, const pros::v5::MotorGears gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::invalid, const pros::v5::MotorUnits encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid)

Constructs a new MotorGroup object.

gearset = pros::v5::MotorGears::green Optional parameter for the gearset for the motor. Does not explicitly set the motor gearset if it is invalid or not specified
encoder_units = pros::v5::MotorUnits::invalid Optional parameter for the encoder units of the motor Does not explicitly set the motor units if it is invalid or not specified

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|.

ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
    MotorGroup first_mg({1, -2}); //Creates a motor on port 1  and a reversed motor on port 2 with
 with both motors using the green gearset and degrees as the encoder units
 MotorGroup rotations_mg({4, 5}, pros::v5::MotorGears::blue, pros::v5::MotorUnits::rotations);
 //Creates a motor group on ports 4 and 5 with blue motors using rotaions as the encoder units

MotorGroup(AbstractMotor& motor_group)

Constructs a new MotorGroup object from an abstract motor.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of V5 ports |1-21|.

ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
    MotorGroup first_mg({1, -2}); //Creates a motor on port 1  and a reversed motor on port 2 with
 with both motors using the green gearset and degrees as the encoder units
    AbstractMotor abs_mtr_group = first_mg;
    MotorGroup new_mg = (MotorGroup) abs_mtr_group;

std::int32_t move(std::int32_t voltage) const virtual

Sets the voltage for the motor group from -127 to 127.

voltage The new voltage from -127 to 127
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This is designed to map easily to the input from the controller's analog stick for simple opcontrol use. The actual behavior of the motor is analogous to use of motor_move()

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup MotorGroup ({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {

std::int32_t move_absolute(const double position, const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual

Sets the target absolute position for the motor group to move to.

position The absolute position to move to in the motor's encoder units
velocity The maximum allowable velocity for the movement in RPM
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This movement is relative to the position of the motor when initialized or the position when it was most recently reset with pros::Motor::set_zero_position().

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - the motor group has size 0


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  while (!((mg.get_position() < 105) && (mg.get_position() > 95))) {
    // Continue running this loop as long as the mg is not within +-5 units of its goal
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // This does not cause a movement
  while (!((mg.get_position() < 105) && (mg.get_position() > 95))) {
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  while (!((mg.get_position() < 105) && (mg.get_position() > 95))) {

std::int32_t move_relative(const double position, const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual

Sets the relative target position for the motor group to move to.

position The relative position to move to in the motor's encoder units
velocity The maximum allowable velocity for the movement in RPM
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This movement is relative to the current position of each motor as given in pros::MotorGroup::get_position(). Providing 10.0 as the position parameter would result in the motor moving 10 units, no matter what the current position is.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_relative(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  while (!((mg.get_position() < 105) && (mg.get_position() > 95))) {
    // Continue running this loop as long as the motor is not within +-5 units of its goal
  mg.move_relative(100, 100); // Also moves 100 units forward
  while (!((mg.get_position() < 205) && (mg.get_position() > 195))) {

std::int32_t move_velocity(const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual

Sets the velocity for the motor group.

velocity The new velocity from +-100, +-200, or +-600 depending on the motor's gearset
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This velocity corresponds to different actual speeds depending on the gearset used for the motor. This results in a range of +-100 for E_MOTOR_GEARSET_36, +-200 for E_MOTOR_GEARSET_18, and +-600 for E_MOTOR_GEARSET_6. The velocity is held with PID to ensure consistent speed, as opposed to setting the motor's voltage.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::delay(1000); // Move at 100 RPM for 1 second

std::int32_t move_voltage(const std::int32_t voltage) const virtual

Sets the output voltage for the motor group from -12000 to 12000 in millivolts.

voltage The new voltage value from -12000 to 12000
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor


void autonomous() {
  pros::delay(1000); // Move at max voltage for 1 second

std::int32_t brake(void) const virtual

Stops the motor group using the currently configured brake mode.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function sets motor velocity to zero, which will cause it to act according to the set brake mode. If brake mode is set to MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD, this function may behave differently than calling move_absolute(0) or motor_move_relative(0).

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


 void autonomous() {
 Motor motor(1);
  pros::delay(1000); // Move at max voltage for 1 second

std::int32_t modify_profiled_velocity(const std::int32_t velocity) const virtual

Changes the output velocity for a profiled movement (move_absolute or move_relative).

velocity The new motor velocity from +-100, +-200, or +-600 depending on the motor's gearset
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This will have no effect if the motor group is not following a profiled movement.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
     pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100);
  mg.modify_profiled_velocity(0); // Stop the motor group early

double get_target_position(const std::uint8_t index) const virtual

Gets the target position set for a motor in the motor group, with a parameter for the motor index.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The target position in its encoder units or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100);
    // get the target position from motor at index 1. (port 3)
  std::cout << "Motor Target: " << mg.get_target_position(1);
  // Prints 100

std::vector<double> get_target_position_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the the target positions set for the motor group.

Returns The a vector of the target positions in its encoder units or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The Motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100);
  std::cout << "Motor Target: " << mg.get_target_position_all()[0];
  // Prints 100

std::int32_t get_target_velocity(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the velocity commanded to the motor by the user at the index specified.

index Optional parameter. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The commanded motor velocity from +-100, +-200, or +-600, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size() EDOM - The motor group was empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
        // get the target velocity from motor at index 1. (port 3)
    std::cout << "Motor Velocity: " << mg.get_target_velocity(1);

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_target_velocity_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the velocity commanded to the motor by the user.

Returns A vector of the commanded motor velocity from +-100, +-200, or +-600, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - THe motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    std::cout << "Motor Velocity: " << mg.get_target_velocity_all();

double get_actual_velocity(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the actual velocity of a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's actual velocity in RPM or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - THe motor group is empty

EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  while (true) {
    mg = controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_MASTER, E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    // get the actual velocity from motor at index 1. (port 3)
    printf("Actual velocity: %lf\n", mg.get_actual_velocity(1));

std::vector<double> get_actual_velocity_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the the actual velocity of each motor the motor group.

Returns A vector of the each motor's actual velocity in RPM or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - THe motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  while (true) {
    mg = controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_MASTER, E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    // get the target velocity from motor at index 1. (port 3)
    printf("Actual velocity: %lf\n", mg.get_actual_velocity(1));

std::int32_t get_current_draw(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the current drawn by a motor in the motor group in mA.

index Optional parameter. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's current in mA or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty

EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
       //Print the current draw for the motor at index 1. (port 3)
    std::cout << "Motor Current Draw: " << mg.get_current_draw(1);

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_current_draw_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the current drawn each motor in the motor group in mA.

Returns A vector with each motor's current in mA or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Current Draw: " << mg.get_current_draw_all();

std::int32_t get_direction(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the direction of movement for a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 for moving in the positive direction, -1 for moving in the negative direction, and PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty

EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
       //Print the motor direction for the motor at index 1. (port 3)
    std::cout << "Motor Direction: " << mg.get_direction();

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_direction_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the directions of movement for each motor in the motor group.

Returns 1 for moving in the positive direction, -1 for moving in the negative direction, and PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Direction: " << mg.get_direction_all()[0];

double get_efficiency(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the efficiency of a motor in the motor group in percent.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's efficiency in percent or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

An efficiency of 100% means that the motor is moving electrically while drawing no electrical power, and an efficiency of 0% means that the motor is drawing power but not moving.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty

EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    //Prints the efficiency of the motor at index 1 (port 3)
    std::cout << "Motor Efficiency: " << mg.get_efficiency(1);

std::vector<double> get_efficiency_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the efficiency of each motor in percent.

Returns A vector containing each motor's efficiency in percent or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

An efficiency of 100% means that the motor is moving electrically while drawing no electrical power, and an efficiency of 0% means that the motor is drawing power but not moving.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - THe motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Efficiency: " << mg.get_efficiency_all()[0];

std::uint32_t get_faults(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the faults experienced by a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns A bitfield containing the motor's faults.

Compare this bitfield to the bitmasks in pros::motor_fault_e_t.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty

EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Faults: " << mg.get_faults();

std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_faults_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the faults experienced by each motor in the motor group.

Returns A vector containing the bitfields containing each motor's faults.

Compare these bitfields to the bitmasks in pros::motor_fault_e_t.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor

EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Faults: " << mg.get_faults_all();

std::uint32_t get_flags(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the flags set by a motor in the motor group's operation.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns A bitfield containing the motor's flags.

Compare this bitfield to the bitmasks in pros::motor_flag_e_t.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Faults: " << mg.get_faults(1);

std::vector<std::uint32_t> get_flags_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the flags set by each motor in the motor groups's operation.

Returns A bitfield containing the motor's flags.

Compare this bitfield to the bitmasks in pros::motor_flag_e_t.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Faults: " << mg.get_faults_all()[0];

double get_position(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the absolute position of a motor in the motor group in its encoder units.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's absolute position in its encoder units or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Position: " << mg.get_position(1);

std::vector<double> get_position_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the absolute position of each motor in its encoder units.

Returns A vector of the motor's absolute position in its encoder units or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Position: " << mg.get_position_all();

double get_power(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the power drawn by a motor in the motor group in Watts.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's power draw in Watts or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Power: " << mg.get_power();

std::vector<double> get_power_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the power drawn by each motor in the motor group in Watts.

Returns A vector of each motor's power draw in Watts or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Power: " << mg.get_power_all()[0];

std::int32_t get_raw_position(std::uint32_t*const timestamp, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the raw encoder count of a motor in the motor group at a given timestamp.

timestamp A pointer to a time in milliseconds for which the encoder count will be returned. If NULL, the timestamp at which the encoder count was read will not be supplied
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The raw encoder count at the given timestamp or PROS_ERR if the operation failed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  std::uint32_t now = pros::millis();
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Position: " << mg.get_raw_position(&now);

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_raw_position_all(std::uint32_t*const timestamp) const virtual

Gets the raw encoder count of each motor at a given timestamp.

timestamp A pointer to a time in milliseconds for which the encoder count will be returned. If NULL, the timestamp at which the encoder count was read will not be supplied
Returns A vector of each raw encoder count at the given timestamp or PROS_ERR if the operation failed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor


void opcontrol() {
  std::uint32_t now = pros::millis();
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Position: " << mg.get_raw_position_all(&now)[0];

double get_temperature(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the temperature of a motor in the motor group in degrees Celsius.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's temperature in degrees Celsius or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Temperature: " << mg.get_temperature();

std::vector<double> get_temperature_all(void) const virtual

Gets the temperature of each motor in the motor group in degrees Celsius.

Returns A vector of each motor's temperature in degrees Celsius or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Temperature: " << mg.get_temperature_all()[1];

double get_torque(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the torque generated by a motor in the motor groupin Newton Meters (Nm).

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's torque in Nm or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Torque: " << mg.get_torque();

std::vector<double> get_torque_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the torque generated by each motor in Newton Meters (Nm).

Returns A vector containing each motor's torque in Nm or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Torque: " << mg.get_torque();

std::int32_t get_voltage(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the voltage delivered to a motor in the motor group in millivolts.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's voltage in mV or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Voltage: " << mg.get_voltage();

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_voltage_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the voltage delivered to each motor in millivolts.

Returns A vector of each motor's voltage in mV or PROS_ERR_F if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Motor Voltage: " << mg.get_voltage_all()[0];

std::int32_t is_over_current(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Checks if a motor in the motor group is drawing over its current limit.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the motor's current limit is being exceeded and 0 if the current limit is not exceeded, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Is the motor over its current limit?: " << mg.is_over_current();

std::vector<std::int32_t> is_over_current_all(void) const virtual

Checks if each motor in the motor group is drawing over its current limit.

Returns A vector containing the following for each motor: 1 if the motor's current limit is being exceeded and 0 if the current limit is not exceeded, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Is the motor over its current limit?: " << motor.is_over_current_all()[0];

std::int32_t is_over_temp(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the temperature limit flag for a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the temperature limit is exceeded and 0 if the temperature is below the limit, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Is the motor over its temperature limit?: " << motor.is_over_temp();

std::vector<std::int32_t> is_over_temp_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector with the temperature limit flag for each motor in the motor group.

Returns 1 if the temperature limit is exceeded and 0 if the temperature is below the limit, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    std::cout << "Is the motor over its temperature limit?: " << motor.is_over_temp();

MotorBrake get_brake_mode(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the brake mode that was set for a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns One of MotorBrake, according to what was set for the motor, or E_MOTOR_BRAKE_INVALID if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode();

std::vector<MotorBrake> get_brake_mode_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector with the brake mode that was set for each motor in the motor group.

Returns A vector with one of MotorBrake for each motor in the motor group, according to what was set for the motor, or E_MOTOR_BRAKE_INVALID if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode_all()[0];

std::int32_t get_current_limit(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the current limit for a motor in the motor group in mA.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's current limit in mA or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

The default value is 2500 mA.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  while (true) {
    std::cout << "Motor Current Limit: " << mg.get_current_limit();

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_current_limit_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the current limit for each motor in the motor group in mA.

Returns A vector of each motor's current limit in mA or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

The default value is 2500 mA.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  while (true) {
    std::cout << "Motor Current Limit: " << mg.get_current_limit_all()[0];

MotorUnits get_encoder_units(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the encoder units that were set for a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns One of MotorUnits according to what is set for the motor or E_MOTOR_ENCODER_INVALID if the operation failed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3}, E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, false, E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  std::cout << "Motor Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units();

std::vector<MotorUnits> get_encoder_units_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the encoder units that were set for each motor in the motor group.

Returns A vector with the following for each motor, One of MotorUnits according to what is set for the motor or E_MOTOR_ENCODER_INVALID if the operation failed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3}, E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, false, E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  std::cout << "Motor Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units_all()[0];

MotorGears get_gearing(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the gearset that was set for a motor in the motor group.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns One of MotorGears according to what is set for the motor, or pros::MotorGears::invalid if the operation failed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3}, E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, false, E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  std::cout << "Motor Gearing: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::vector<MotorGears> get_gearing_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the gearset that was set for each motor.

Returns A vector with one of MotorGears according to what is set for the motor, or pros::MotorGears::invalid if the operation failed for each motor.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg ({1,3}, E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, false, E_MOTOR_ENCODER_COUNTS);
  std::cout << "Motor Gearing: " << mg.get_gearing_all()[0];

std::vector<std::int8_t> get_port_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector with all the port numbers in the motor group.

Returns a vector with all the port numbers for the motor group

A port will be negative if the motor in the motor group is reversed

std::int32_t get_voltage_limit(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the voltage limit of a motor in the motor group set by the user.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The motor's voltage limit in V or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Default value is 0V, which means that there is no software limitation imposed on the voltage.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Motor Voltage Limit: " << mg.get_voltage_limit(1);

std::vector<std::int32_t> get_voltage_limit_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the voltage limit of each motor in the motor group.

Returns The motor's voltage limit in V or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Default value is 0V, which means that there is no software limitation imposed on the voltage.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The Motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Motor Voltage Limit: " << mg.get_voltage_limit_all()[0];

std::int32_t is_reversed(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the operation direction of a motor in the motor group as set by the user.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the motor has been reversed and 0 if the motor was not reversed, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached:

EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Is the motor reversed? " << motor.is_reversed();
  // Prints "0"

std::vector<std::int32_t> is_reversed_all(void) const virtual

Gets a vector of the operation direction of each motor in the motor group as set by the user.

Returns A vector conatining the following for each motor: 1 if the motor has been reversed and 0 if the motor was not reversed, or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Is the motor reversed? " << motor.is_reversed_all()[0];
  // Prints "0"

std::int32_t set_brake_mode(const MotorBrake mode, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.

mode The MotorBrake to set for the motor
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_brake_mode(pros::MotorBrake::brake, 1);
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode();

std::int32_t set_brake_mode(const pros::motor_brake_mode_e_t mode, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.

mode The MotorBrake to set for the motor
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_brake_mode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_HOLD, 1);
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode();

std::int32_t set_brake_mode_all(const MotorBrake mode) const virtual

Sets one of MotorBrake all the motors in the motor group.

mode The MotorBrake to set for the motor
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode();

std::int32_t set_brake_mode_all(const pros::motor_brake_mode_e_t mode) const virtual

Sets one of MotorBrake to a motor in the motor group.

mode The MotorBrake to set for the motor
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Brake Mode: " << mg.get_brake_mode();

std::int32_t set_current_limit(const std::int32_t limit, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets the current limit for one motor in the motor group in mA.

limit The new current limit in mA
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

while (true) {
  mg = controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
  // The motor will reduce its output at 1000 mA instead of the default 2500 mA

std::int32_t set_current_limit_all(const std::int32_t limit) const virtual

Sets the current limit for every motor in the motor group in mA.

limit The new current limit in mA
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group was empty


void opcontrol() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

while (true) {
  mg = controller_get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
  // The motor will reduce its output at 1000 mA instead of the default 2500 mA

std::int32_t set_encoder_units(const MotorUnits units, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of MotorUnits for one motor in the motor group's motor encoder.

units The new motor encoder units
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_encoder_units(E_MOTOR_ENCODER_DEGREES, 1);
  std::cout << "Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units();

std::int32_t set_encoder_units(const pros::motor_encoder_units_e_t units, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of MotorUnits for one motor in the motor group's motor encoder.

units The new motor encoder units
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_encoder_units(E_MOTOR_ENCODER_DEGREES, 1);
  std::cout << "Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units();

std::int32_t set_encoder_units_all(const MotorUnits units) const virtual

Sets one of MotorUnits for every motor in the motor group's motor encoder.

units The new motor encoder units
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units();

std::int32_t set_encoder_units_all(const pros::motor_encoder_units_e_t units) const virtual

Sets one of MotorUnits for every motor in the motor group's motor encoder.

units The new motor encoder units
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Works with the C enum and the C++ enum class.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Encoder Units: " << mg.get_encoder_units();

std::int32_t set_gearing(std::vector<pros::motor_gearset_e_t> gearsets) const

Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty E2BIG - The size of the vector mismatches the number of motors in the motor group


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_gearing(pros::MotorGears::blue, 1);
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_gearing(const pros::motor_gearset_e_t gearset, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.

gearset The new geatset of the motor
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_gearing(E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, 1);
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_gearing(std::vector<MotorGears> gearsets) const

Sets the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for each motor in the motor group by taking in a vector of the cartridges.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty E2BIG - The size of the vector mismatches the number of motors in the motor group


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_gearing(pros::MotorGears::blue, 1);
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_gearing(const MotorGears gearset, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.

gearset The new geatset of the motor
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.set_gearing(E_MOTOR_GEARSET_06, 1);
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_gearing_all(const MotorGears gearset) const virtual

Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for one motor in the motor group.

gearset The new geatset of the motor
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_gearing_all(const pros::motor_gearset_e_t gearset) const virtual

Sets one of the gear cartridge (red, green, blue) for every motor in the motor group.

gearset The new geatset of the motor
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

Usable with the C++ enum class and the C enum.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Gearset: " << mg.get_gearing();

std::int32_t set_reversed(const bool reverse, const std::uint8_t index = 0) virtual

sets the reversal for a motor in the motor group.

reverse True reverses the motor, false is default
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This will invert its movements and the values returned for its position.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
        //reverse the motor at index 1 (port 3)
  mg.set_reversed(true, 1);
  std::cout << "Is this motor reversed? " << motor.is_reversed(1);
    // unreverse the motor at index 1 (port 3)
  mg.set_reversed(false, 1);
  std::cout << "Is this motor reversed? " << motor.is_reversed(1);

std::int32_t set_reversed_all(const bool reverse) virtual

Sets the reversal for all the motors in the motor group.

reverse True reverses the motor, false is default
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This will invert its movements and the values returned for its position.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EDOM - The motor group is empty


void initialize() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  std::cout << "Is this motor reversed? " << motor.is_reversed();

std::int32_t set_voltage_limit(const std::int32_t limit, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets the voltage limit for a motor in the motor group in millivolts.

limit The new voltage limit in Volts
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  mg.set_voltage_limit(10000, 1);
  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    // The motor on at index 1 (port 3) will not output more than 10 V

std::int32_t set_voltage_limit_all(const std::int32_t limit) const virtual

Sets the voltage limit for every motor in the motor group in millivolts.

limit The new voltage limit in Volts
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    mg = master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y);
    // The motor will not output more than 10 V

std::int32_t set_zero_position(const double position, const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets the position for a motor in the motor group in its encoder units.

position The new reference position in its encoder units
index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This will be the future reference point for the motor's "absolute" position.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // This does not cause a movement
  mg.set_zero_position(80, 1);
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 80 units forward

std::int32_t set_zero_position_all(const double position) const virtual

Sets the position for every motor in the motor group in its encoder units.

position The new reference position in its encoder units
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This will be the future reference point for the motor's "absolute" position.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // This does not cause a movement

  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 80 units forward

std::int32_t tare_position(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Sets the "absolute" zero position of a motor in the motor group to its current position.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor EDOM - The motor group is empty EOVERFLOW - The index is greater than or equal to MotorGroup::size()


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // This does not cause a movement


  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward

std::int32_t tare_position_all(void) const virtual

Sets the "absolute" zero position of every motor in the motor group to its current position.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port cannot be configured as a motor


void autonomous() {
  pros::MotorGroup mg({1,3});
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // This does not cause a movement
  mg.move_absolute(100, 100); // Moves 100 units forward

std::int8_t size(void) const virtual

Returns the number of motors in the motor group.

Returns the number of motors in the motor group

std::int8_t get_port(const std::uint8_t index = 0) const virtual

Gets the port of a motor in the motor group via index.

index Optional parameter, 0 by default. The zero indexed index of the motor in the motor group
Returns The port of the motor at the specified index. The return value is negative if the corresponding motor is reversed

void operator+=(AbstractMotor&)

Appends all the motors in the other motor group reference to this motor group.

Maintains the order of the other motor group

void append(AbstractMotor&)

Appends all the motors in the other motor group reference to this motor group.

Maintains the order of the other motor group

void erase_port(std::int8_t port)

Removes the all motors on the port (regardless of reversal) from the motor group.

port The port to remove from the motor group

Variable documentation

std::vector<std::int8_t> _ports

The ordered vector of ports used by the motor group.