ADI (TriPort) C++ API module



file adi.hpp


class pros::adi::Port


Port(std::uint8_t adi_port, adi_port_config_e_t type = E_ADI_TYPE_UNDEFINED) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.
Port(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, adi_port_config_e_t type = E_ADI_TYPE_UNDEFINED) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi expander to act as a given sensor type.
std::int32_t get_config() const
Gets the configuration for the given ADI port.
std::int32_t get_value() const
Gets the value for the given ADI port.
std::int32_t set_config(adi_port_config_e_t type) const
Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.
std::int32_t set_value(std::int32_t value) const
Sets the value for the given ADI port.
ext_adi_port_tuple_t get_port() const virtual
Gets the port of the sensor.
AnalogIn(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Input.
AnalogIn(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Input.
std::int32_t calibrate() const
Calibrates the analog sensor on the specified port and returns the new calibration value.
std::int32_t get_value_calibrated() const
Gets the 12 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
std::int32_t get_value_calibrated_HR() const
Gets the 16 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.
AnalogOut(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Output.
AnalogOut(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as an Analog Output.
DigitalOut(std::uint8_t adi_port, bool init_state = LOW) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a Digital Output.
DigitalOut(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, bool init_state = LOW) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Digital Output.
DigitalIn(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a Digital Input.
DigitalIn(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Digital Input.
std::int32_t get_new_press() const
Gets a rising-edge case for a digital button press.
Motor(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a Motor.
Motor(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Motor.
std::int32_t stop() const
Stops the motor on the given port.
Encoder(std::uint8_t adi_port_top, std::uint8_t adi_port_bottom, bool reversed = false) explicit
Configures a set of ADI ports to act as an Encoder.
Encoder(ext_adi_port_tuple_t port_tuple, bool reversed = false) explicit
Configures a set of ADI ports on an adi_expander to act as an Encoder.
std::int32_t reset() const
Sets the encoder value to zero.
std::int32_t get_value() const
Gets the number of ticks recorded by the encoder.
ext_adi_port_tuple_t get_port() const override
Gets the port of the sensor.
Ultrasonic(std::uint8_t adi_port_ping, std::uint8_t adi_port_echo) explicit
Configures a set of ADI ports to act as an Ultrasonic sensor.
Ultrasonic(ext_adi_port_tuple_t port_tuple) explicit
Configures a set of ADI ports on an adi_expander to act as an Ultrasonic sensor.
std::int32_t get_value() const
Gets the current ultrasonic sensor value in centimeters.
Gyro(std::uint8_t adi_port, double multiplier = 1) explicit
Initializes a gyroscope on the given port.
Gyro(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, double multiplier = 1) explicit
Initializes a gyroscope on the given port of an adi expander.
double get_value() const
Gets the current gyro angle in tenths of a degree.
std::int32_t reset() const
Resets the gyroscope value to zero.
Potentiometer(std::uint8_t adi_port, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type = E_ADI_POT_EDR) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a Potentiometer.
Potentiometer(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type = E_ADI_POT_EDR) explicit
Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Potentiometer.
double get_angle() const
Gets the current potentiometer angle in tenths of a degree.
Led(std::uint8_t adi_port, std::uint32_t length) explicit
Configures an ADI port to act as a LED.
Led(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, std::uint32_t length) explicit
Configures an ADI port on a adi_expander to act as a LED.
std::int32_t clear_all()
Operator overload to access the buffer in the ADILed class, it is recommended that you call .update(); after doing any operations with this.
std::int32_t clear()
std::int32_t update() const
Force the LED strip to update with the current buffered values, this should be called after any changes to the buffer using the [] operator.
std::int32_t set_all(uint32_t color)
Set the entire led strip to one color.
std::int32_t set_pixel(uint32_t color, uint32_t pixel_position)
Set one pixel on the led strip.
std::int32_t clear_pixel(uint32_t pixel_position)
Clear one pixel on the led strip.
std::int32_t length()
Get the length of the led strip.
Pneumatics(std::uint8_t adi_port, bool start_extended, bool extended_is_low = false) explicit
Creates a Pneumatics object for the given port.
Pneumatics(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, bool start_extended, bool extended_is_low = false) explicit
Creates a Pneumatics object for the given port pair.
std::int32_t extend()
Extends the piston, if not already extended.
std::int32_t retract()
Retracts the piston, if not already retracted.
std::int32_t toggle()
Puts the piston into the opposite state of its current state.
bool is_extended() const
Returns whether the piston is extended or not.


std::uint8_t _smart_port
std::uint8_t _adi_port
ext_adi_port_pair_t _port_pair
std::vector<uint32_t> _buffer
bool state
bool extended_is_low

Function documentation

Port(std::uint8_t adi_port, adi_port_config_e_t type = E_ADI_TYPE_UNDEFINED) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
type The configuration type for the port

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  pros::ADIPotentiometer potentiometer (POTENTIOMETER_PORT, POTENTIOMETER_TYPE);
  while (true) {
    // Get the potentiometer angle
    std::cout << "Angle: " << potnetiometer.get_angle();

Port(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, adi_port_config_e_t type = E_ADI_TYPE_UNDEFINED) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi expander to act as a given sensor type.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
type The configuration type for the port

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::Port sensor ({{ EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT , ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT }}, E_ADI_ANALOG_IN);
  // Displays the value of E_ADI_ANALOG_IN
  std::cout << "Port Type: " << sensor.get_config();

std::int32_t get_config() const

Gets the configuration for the given ADI port.

Returns The ADI configuration for the given port


  void initialize() {
    adi_port_set_config(ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT, E_ADI_ANALOG_IN);
    // Displays the value of E_ADI_ANALOG_IN
    printf("Port Type: %d\n", adi_port_get_config(ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT));

std::int32_t get_value() const

Gets the value for the given ADI port.

Returns The value stored for the given port



void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Port sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT, E_ADI_ANALOG_IN);
  std::cout << "Port Value: " << sensor.get_value();

std::int32_t set_config(adi_port_config_e_t type) const

Configures an ADI port to act as a given sensor type.

type The configuration type for the port
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::Port sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT, E_ADI_DIGITAL_IN);
  // Do things as a digital sensor
  // Digital is unplugged and an analog is plugged in

std::int32_t set_value(std::int32_t value) const

Sets the value for the given ADI port.

value The value to set the ADI port to
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This only works on ports configured as outputs, and the behavior will change depending on the configuration of the port.



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::Port sensor (DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT, E_ADI_DIGITAL_OUT);
  sensor.set_value(DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT, HIGH);

ext_adi_port_tuple_t get_port() const virtual

Gets the port of the sensor.

Returns returns a tuple of integer ports.


#define DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT 1 // 'A'

void initialize() {
  pros::adi::AnalogIn sensor (DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT);
     // Getting values from the tuple using std::get<index> 
     int sensorSmartPort = std::get<0>(sensor.get_port()); // First value
  int sensorAdiPort = std::get<1>(sensor.get_port()); // Second value

     // Prints the first and second value from the port tuple (The Adi Port. The first value is the Smart Port)
  printf("Sensor Smart Port: %d\n", sensorSmartPort);
  printf("Sensor Adi Port: %d\n", sensorAdiPort);   

AnalogIn(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Input.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  pros::ADIAnalogIn sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  while (true) {
    // Use the sensor

AnalogIn(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Input.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_PORT 'a'

void opcontrol() {
  pros::ADIAnalogIn sensor ({{EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT, ADI_PORT}});
  while (true) {
    // Use the sensor

std::int32_t calibrate() const

Calibrates the analog sensor on the specified port and returns the new calibration value.

Returns The average sensor value computed by this function

This method assumes that the true sensor value is not actively changing at this time and computes an average from approximately 500 samples, 1 ms apart, for a 0.5 s period of calibration. The average value thus calculated is returned and stored for later calls to the pros::AnalogIn::get_value_calibrated() and pros::AnalogIn::get_value_calibrated_HR() functions. These functions will return the difference between this value and the current sensor value when called.

Do not use this function when the sensor value might be unstable (gyro rotation, accelerometer movement).

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as an analog input



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::AnalogIn sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  std::cout << "Calibrated Reading:" << sensor.get_value_calibrated();
  // All readings from then on will be calibrated

std::int32_t get_value_calibrated() const

Gets the 12 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.

Returns The difference of the sensor value from its calibrated default from -4095 to 4095

The pros::adi::AnalogIn::calibrate() function must be run first. This function is inappropriate for sensor values intended for integration, as round-off error can accumulate causing drift over time. Use pros::adi::AnalogIn::get_value_calibrated_HR() instead.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as an analog input



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::AnalogIn sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  std::cout << "Calibrated Reading:" << sensor.get_value_calibrated();
  // All readings from then on will be calibrated

std::int32_t get_value_calibrated_HR() const

Gets the 16 bit calibrated value of an analog input port.

Returns The difference of the sensor value from its calibrated default from -16384 to 16384

The pros::adi::AnalogIn::calibrate() function must be run first. This is intended for integrated sensor values such as gyros and accelerometers to reduce drift due to round-off, and should not be used on a sensor such as a line tracker or potentiometer.

The value returned actually has 16 bits of "precision", even though the ADC only reads 12 bits, so that error induced by the average value being between two values when integrated over time is trivial. Think of the value as the true value times 16.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as an analog input



void initialize() {
  pros::adi::AnalogIn sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  std::cout << "Calibrated Reading:" << sensor.get_value_calibrated();
  // All readings from then on will be calibrated

AnalogOut(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as an Analog Output.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  pros::AnalogOut sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  // Use the sensor

AnalogOut(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as an Analog Output.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_PORT 'a'

void opcontrol() {
  pros::AnalogOut sensor ({{EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT, ADI_PORT}});
  // Use the sensor

DigitalOut(std::uint8_t adi_port, bool init_state = LOW) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a Digital Output.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
init_state The initial state for the port

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  bool state = LOW;
  pros::adi::DigitalOut sensor (DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT, state);
  while (true) {
    state != state;
    pros::delay(10); // toggle the sensor value every 50ms

DigitalOut(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, bool init_state = LOW) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Digital Output.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
init_state The initial state for the port

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_PORT 'a'

void opcontrol() {
  bool state = LOW;
  pros::adi::DigitalOut sensor ( {{ EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT , ADI_PORT }});
  while (true) {
    state != state;
    pros::delay(10); // toggle the sensor value every 50ms

DigitalIn(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a Digital Input.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::DigitalIn sensor (ANALOG_SENSOR_PORT);
  // Use the sensor

DigitalIn(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Digital Input.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_PORT 'a'

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::DigitalIn sensor ({{EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT, ADI_PORT}});
  // Use the sensor

std::int32_t get_new_press() const

Gets a rising-edge case for a digital button press.

Returns 1 if the button is pressed and had not been pressed the last time this function was called, 0 otherwise.

This function is not thread-safe. Multiple tasks polling a single button may return different results under the same circumstances, so only one task should call this function for any given button. E.g., Task A calls this function for buttons 1 and 2. Task B may call this function for button 3, but should not for buttons 1 or 2. A typical use-case for this function is to call inside opcontrol to detect new button presses, and not in any other tasks.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a digital input



void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::DigitalIn sensor (DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT);
  while (true) {
    if (sensor.get_new_press()) {
      // Toggle pneumatics or other state operations

Motor(std::uint8_t adi_port) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a Motor.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define MOTOR_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Motor motor (MOTOR_PORT);
  motor.set_value(127); // Go full speed forward
  std::cout << "Commanded Motor Power: " << motor.get_value(); // Will display 127
  motor.set_value(0); // Stop the motor

Motor(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Motor.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_MOTOR_PORT 'a'

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Motor motor ( {{ EXT_ADI_SMART_PORT ,  ADI_MOTOR_PORT}} );
  motor.set_value(127); // Go full speed forward
  std::cout << "Commanded Motor Power: " << motor.get_value(); // Will display 127
  motor.set_value(0); // Stop the motor

std::int32_t stop() const

Stops the motor on the given port.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a motor


#define MOTOR_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Motor motor (MOTOR_PORT);
  motor.set_value(127); // Go full speed forward
  std::cout << "Commanded Motor Power: " << motor.get_value(); // Will display 127
  motor.stop(); // Stop the motor

Encoder(std::uint8_t adi_port_top, std::uint8_t adi_port_bottom, bool reversed = false) explicit

Configures a set of ADI ports to act as an Encoder.

adi_port_top The "top" wire from the encoder sensor with the removable cover side up
adi_port_bottom The "bottom" wire from the encoder sensor

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define PORT_TOP 1
#define PORT_BOTTOM 2

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Encoder sensor (PORT_TOP, PORT_BOTTOM, false);
  // Use the sensor

Encoder(ext_adi_port_tuple_t port_tuple, bool reversed = false) explicit

Configures a set of ADI ports on an adi_expander to act as an Encoder.

port_tuple The tuple of the smart port number, the "top" wire from the encoder sensor with the removable cover side up, and the "bottom" wire from the encoder sensor

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define PORT_TOP 'A'
#define PORT_BOTTOM 'B'
#define SMART_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Encoder sensor ({ SMART_PORT, PORT_TOP, PORT_BOTTOM }, false);
  // Use the sensor

std::int32_t reset() const

Sets the encoder value to zero.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

It is safe to use this method while an encoder is enabled. It is not necessary to call this method before stopping or starting an encoder.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a motor


#define PORT_TOP 1
#define PORT_BOTTOM 2

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Encoder sensor (PORT_TOP, PORT_BOTTOM, false);
  delay(1000); // Move the encoder around in this time
  sensor.reset(); // The encoder is now zero again

std::int32_t get_value() const

Gets the number of ticks recorded by the encoder.

Returns The signed and cumulative number of counts since the last start or

There are 360 ticks in one revolution.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a motor


#define PORT_TOP 1
#define PORT_BOTTOM 2

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Encoder sensor (PORT_TOP, PORT_BOTTOM, false);
  while (true) {
    std::cout << "Encoder Value: " << sensor.get_value();

ext_adi_port_tuple_t get_port() const override

Gets the port of the sensor.

Returns returns a tuple of integer ports.


#define DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT 1 // 'A'

void initialize() {
  pros::adi::AnalogIn sensor (DIGITAL_SENSOR_PORT);
     // Getting values from the tuple using std::get<index> 
     int sensorSmartPort = std::get<0>(sensor.get_port()); // First value
  int sensorAdiPort = std::get<1>(sensor.get_port()); // Second value

     // Prints the first and second value from the port tuple (The Adi Port. The first value is the Smart Port)
  printf("Sensor Smart Port: %d\n", sensorSmartPort);
  printf("Sensor Adi Port: %d\n", sensorAdiPort);   

Ultrasonic(std::uint8_t adi_port_ping, std::uint8_t adi_port_echo) explicit

Configures a set of ADI ports to act as an Ultrasonic sensor.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define PORT_PING 1
#define PORT_ECHO 2

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Ultrasonic sensor (PORT_PING, PORT_ECHO);
  while (true) {
    // Print the distance read by the ultrasonic
    std::cout << "Distance: " << sensor.get_value();

Ultrasonic(ext_adi_port_tuple_t port_tuple) explicit

Configures a set of ADI ports on an adi_expander to act as an Ultrasonic sensor.

port_tuple The tuple of the smart port number, the port connected to the orange OUTPUT cable (1, 3, 5, 7 or 'A', 'C', 'E', 'G'), and the port connected to the yellow INPUT cable (the next) highest port following port_ping).

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define PORT_PING 'A'
#define PORT_ECHO 'B'
#define SMART_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Ultrasonic sensor ( {{ SMART_PORT, PORT_PING, PORT_ECHO }} );
  while (true) {
    // Print the distance read by the ultrasonic
    std::cout << "Distance: " << sensor.get_value();

std::int32_t get_value() const

Gets the current ultrasonic sensor value in centimeters.

Returns The distance to the nearest object in m^-4 (10000 indicates 1 meter), measured from the sensor's mounting points.

If no object was found, zero is returned. If the ultrasonic sensor was never started, the return value is undefined. Round and fluffy objects can cause inaccurate values to be returned.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as an ultrasonic


#define PORT_PING 1
#define PORT_ECHO 2

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Ultrasonic sensor (PORT_PING, PORT_ECHO);
  while (true) {
    // Print the distance read by the ultrasonic
    std::cout << "Distance: " << sensor.get_value();

Gyro(std::uint8_t adi_port, double multiplier = 1) explicit

Initializes a gyroscope on the given port.

adi_port The ADI port to initialize as a gyro (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H')
multiplier A scalar value that will be multiplied by the gyro heading value supplied by the

If the given port has not previously been configured as a gyro, then this function starts a 1300ms calibration period.

It is highly recommended that an Gyro object be created in initialize() when the robot is stationary to ensure proper calibration. If an Gyro object is declared at the global scope, a hardcoded 1300ms delay at the beginning of initialize will be necessary to ensure that the gyro's returned values are correct at the beginning of autonomous/opcontrol.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define GYRO_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Gyro gyro (GYRO_PORT);
  while (true) {
    // Get the gyro heading
    std::cout << "Distance: " << gyro.get_value();

Gyro(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, double multiplier = 1) explicit

Initializes a gyroscope on the given port of an adi expander.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
multiplier A scalar value that will be multiplied by the gyro heading value supplied by the

If the given port has not previously been configured as a gyro, then this function starts a 1300ms calibration period.

It is highly recommended that an adi::Gyro object be created in initialize() when the robot is stationary to ensure proper calibration. If an adi::Gyro object is declared at the global scope, a hardcoded 1300ms delay at the beginning of initialize will be necessary to ensure that the gyro's returned values are correct at the beginning of autonomous/opcontrol.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define ADI_GYRO_PORT 'a'
#define SMART_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Gyro gyro ({{ SMART_PORT , ADI_GYRO_PORT }});
  while (true) {
    // Get the gyro heading
  std::cout << "Distance: " << gyro.get_value();

double get_value() const

Gets the current gyro angle in tenths of a degree.

Returns The gyro angle in degrees.

Unless a multiplier is applied to the gyro, the return value will be a whole number representing the number of degrees of rotation times 10.

There are 360 degrees in a circle, thus the gyro will return 3600 for one whole rotation.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a gyro


#define GYRO_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Gyro gyro (GYRO_PORT);
  while (true) {
  // Get the gyro heading
  std::cout << "Distance: " << gyro.get_value();

std::int32_t reset() const

Resets the gyroscope value to zero.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENODEV - The port is not configured as a gyro


#define GYRO_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Gyro gyro (GYRO_PORT);
  std::uint32_t now = pros::millis();
  while (true) {
    // Get the gyro heading
    std::cout << "Distance: " << gyro.get_value();

  if (pros::millis() - now > 2000) {
    // Reset the gyro every 2 seconds
    now = pros::millis();


Potentiometer(std::uint8_t adi_port, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type = E_ADI_POT_EDR) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a Potentiometer.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
potentiometer_type An adi_potentiometer_type_e_t enum value specifying the potentiometer version type

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).



void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Potentiometer potentiometer (POTENTIOMETER_PORT, POTENTIOMETER_TYPE);
  while (true) {
    // Get the potentiometer angle
    std::cout << "Angle: " << potentiometer.get_angle();

Potentiometer(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, adi_potentiometer_type_e_t potentiometer_type = E_ADI_POT_EDR) explicit

Configures an ADI port on an adi_expander to act as a Potentiometer.

potentiometer_type An adi_potentiometer_type_e_t enum value specifying the potentiometer version type

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define SMART_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Potentiometer potentiometer ({{ SMART_PORT , ADI_POTENTIOMETER_PORT }});
  while (true) {
    // Get the potentiometer angle
    std::cout << "Angle: " << potentiometer.get_angle();

double get_angle() const

Gets the current potentiometer angle in tenths of a degree.

Returns The potentiometer angle in degrees.

The original potentiometer rotates 250 degrees thus returning an angle between 0-250 degrees. Potentiometer V2 rotates 330 degrees thus returning an angle between 0-330 degrees.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of ADI Ports EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured as a potentiometer


#define SMART_PORT 1

void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Potentiometer potentiometer ({{ SMART_PORT , ADI_POTENTIOMETER_PORT }});
  while (true) {
    // Get the potentiometer angle
    std::cout << "Angle: " << potentiometer.get_angle();

Led(std::uint8_t adi_port, std::uint32_t length) explicit

Configures an ADI port to act as a LED.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
length The number of LEDs in the chain

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
      // Set entire LED strip to red

Led(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, std::uint32_t length) explicit

Configures an ADI port on a adi_expander to act as a LED.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
length The number of LEDs in the chain

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - Either the ADI port value or the smart port value is not within its valid range (ADI port: 1-8, 'a'-'h', or 'A'-'H'; smart port: 1-21).


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define SMART_PORT 1
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led ({{ SMART_PORT , LED_PORT }}, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
    // Set entire LED strip to red

std::int32_t clear_all()

Operator overload to access the buffer in the ADILed class, it is recommended that you call .update(); after doing any operations with this.

Returns uint32_t& the address of the buffer at i to modify


   #define LED_PORT 'a'
   #define LED_LENGTH 3
   void opcontrol() {
     pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
     while (true) {
       // Set the first 3 pixels to red, green, and blue
       led.set_pixel(0xFF0000, 0);
       led.set_pixel(0x00FF00, 1);
       led.set_pixel(0x0000FF, 2);
       // Use the [] operator to set the first pixel to black
       led.operator[](0) = 0x000000;
std::uint32_t& operator[] (size_t i);

 * @brief Clear the entire led strip of color
 * This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
 * reached:
 * ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of ADI Ports
 * EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect
 * EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output
 * @return PROS_SUCCESS if successful, PROS_ERR if not
 * \b Example:
 * \code
 * #define LED_PORT 'a'
 * #define LED_LENGTH 3
 * void opcontrol() {
 *   pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
 *   while (true) {
 *     // Set the first 3 pixels to red, green, and blue
 *     led.set_pixel(0xFF0000, 0);
 *     led.set_pixel(0x00FF00, 1);
 *     led.set_pixel(0x0000FF, 2);
 *     pros::delay(20);
 *     // Clear the led strip of color
 *     led.clear();
 *     pros::delay(20);
 *  }
 * }

std::int32_t clear()

std::int32_t update() const

Force the LED strip to update with the current buffered values, this should be called after any changes to the buffer using the [] operator.

Returns PROS_SUCCESS if successful, PROS_ERR if not

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
       // Set the first 3 pixels to red, green, and blue
       led.set_pixel(0xFF0000, 0);
       led.set_pixel(0x00FF00, 1);
       led.set_pixel(0x0000FF, 2);

       // Use the [] operator to set the first pixel to black
       led.operator[](0) = 0x000000;
     // Update the led strip with the new values

std::int32_t set_all(uint32_t color)

Set the entire led strip to one color.

color color to set all the led strip value to
Returns PROS_SUCCESS if successful, PROS_ERR if not

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
       // Set the entire led strip to blue

std::int32_t set_pixel(uint32_t color, uint32_t pixel_position)

Set one pixel on the led strip.

color color to clear all the led strip to
pixel_position position of the pixel to clear
Returns PROS_SUCCESS if successful, PROS_ERR if not

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
       // Set the first pixel to blue
       led.set_pixel(0x0000FF, 0);

std::int32_t clear_pixel(uint32_t pixel_position)

Clear one pixel on the led strip.

pixel_position position of the pixel to clear
Returns PROS_SUCCESS if successful, PROS_ERR if not

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
       // Set the first pixel to blue
       led.set_pixel(0x0000FF, 0);

       // Clear the first pixel

std::int32_t length()

Get the length of the led strip.

Returns The length (in pixels) of the LED strip

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: EINVAL - A parameter is out of bounds/incorrect EADDRINUSE - The port is not configured for ADI output


#define LED_PORT 'a'
#define LED_LENGTH 3

void opcontrol() {
  pros::Led led (LED_PORT, LED_LENGTH);
  while (true) {
       // Get the length of the led strip
       int length = led.length();
       pros::lcd::print(1, "Length: %d", length);

Pneumatics(std::uint8_t adi_port, bool start_extended, bool extended_is_low = false) explicit

Creates a Pneumatics object for the given port.

adi_port The ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
start_extended If true, the pneumatic will start extended when the program starts. By default, the piston starts retracted when the program starts.
extended_is_low A flag to set whether the the pneumatic is extended when the ADI it receives a high or a low value. When true, the extended state corresponds to a output low on the ADI port. This allows the user to reverse the behavior of the pneumatics if needed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of ADI Ports

/b Example:

void opcontrol() {
     pros::adi::Pneumatics left_piston('a', false);         // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is high
  pros::adi::Pneumatics right_piston('b', false, true); // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is low 
  pros::Controller master(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R1)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_2)) {


Pneumatics(ext_adi_port_pair_t port_pair, bool start_extended, bool extended_is_low = false) explicit

Creates a Pneumatics object for the given port pair.

port_pair The pair of the smart port number (from 1-22) and the ADI port number (from 1-8, 'a'-'h', 'A'-'H') to configure
start_extended If true, the pneumatic will start extended when the program starts. By default, the piston starts retracted when the program starts.
extended_is_low A flag to set whether the the pneumatic is extended when the ADI it receives a high or a low value. When true, the extended state corresponds to a output low on the ADI port. This allows the user to reverse the behavior of the pneumatics if needed.

This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is reached: ENXIO - The given value is not within the range of ADI Ports

/b Example:

void opcontrol() {
     pros::adi::Pneumatics left_piston({1, 'a'}, false);            // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is high
  pros::adi::Pneumatics right_piston({1, 'b'}, false, true);        // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is low 
  pros::Controller master(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R1)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R2)) {


std::int32_t extend()

Extends the piston, if not already extended.

Returns 1 if the piston newly extended, 0 if the piston was already extended, or PROS_ERR is the operation failed, setting errno.


void opcontrol() {
     pros::adi::Pneumatics piston({1, 'a'}, false);            // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is high
  pros::Controller master(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_X)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B)) {
    if(mastetr.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_A)) {


std::int32_t retract()

Retracts the piston, if not already retracted.

Returns 1 if the piston newly retracted, 0 if the piston was already retracted, or PROS_ERR is the operation failed, setting errno.


void opcontrol() {
     pros::adi::Pneumatics piston({1, 'a'}, false);            // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is high
  pros::Controller master(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_X)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B)) {
    if(mastetr.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_A)) {


std::int32_t toggle()

Puts the piston into the opposite state of its current state.

Returns 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation failed, setting errno.

If it is retracted, it will extend. If it is extended, it will retract.


void opcontrol() {
    pros::adi::Pneumatics piston({1, 'a'}, false);            // Starts retracted, extends when the ADI port is high
  pros::Controller master(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);

  while (true) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_X)) {
    if(master.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B)) {
    if(mastetr.get_digital(pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_A)) {


bool is_extended() const

Returns whether the piston is extended or not.

Returns true if the piston is extended, false if it is retracted.



void opcontrol() {
  pros::adi::Pneumatics pneumatics (ADI_PNEUMATICS_PORT);
  while (true) {
    // Check if the piston is extended
    if (pneumatics.is_extended()) {
      printf("The pneumatic is extended\n");
    else {
      printf("The pneumatic is not extended\n");


Variable documentation

std::uint8_t _smart_port

std::uint8_t _adi_port

ext_adi_port_pair_t _port_pair

std::vector<uint32_t> _buffer

bool state